MARTIN, Tenn. – UT MARTIN HONORS FIVE YEARS OF SERVICE – University of Tennessee at Martin employees with five years of service were honored Oct. 23 during a breakfast reception. Pictured with Chancellor Keith Carver (front row, far right) are (front row, l-r) Lori Beth Wilson Jones, Office of Educational Outreach; Sara Rachels, Paul Meek Library; Pamela Luker, Department of Behavioral Sciences; (second row) Stefanie Gray, Office of Student Health and Counseling Services; Angie Gertsch, Office of Curriculum and Assessment; LaToya White, Office of Housing; Mary Wiggins, Office of Undergraduate Admissions; (third row) Lacey Ellis, Honors Program and Governor’s School for the Humanities; Leanna Stephenson, Bursar’s Office; Chris Virgin, Campus Grounds; Nathan Morgan, Office of University Relations; (back row) Dan Comer, Department of Engineering; and Russell Holloman, Office of Housing.